
Expertly Negotiated contracts are just the first part of successful contract management. An enterprise must continually keep their finger on the pulse of their agreements and the marketplace to ensure they remain at the bleeding-edge. Benchmark Visibility was developed as a software-based tracking and trending tool to manage service provider contracts and negotiations cycles.


Benchmark Visibility is a database-driven web application that combines Business Intelligence, Contract Management, Data Warehousing, Bill Presentation, and Reporting into one platform. The driving force behind Visibility is the aggregation and normalization of contract specific data (including invoicing, terms, conditions and commitment levels) into an easy to manage widget providing real-time reporting on: overall spend, contract commitments and key contract dates, across a client’s entire compliment of telecom/cloud spend. Visibility also provides a wealth of custom reporting, trending, editing, and analysis tools to further manage assets.

Bill presentation for client and carrier data is the core of Visibility. With our overview dashboard and breakdown of the carrier billing, Visibility presents the aggregated date in a format that is easy to understand and user friendly. Users can drill down multiple layers on any type of service, any carrier, any cost center, location, site, or charge. Visibility is also able to provide multiple ways of looking at imported data sets.

Visibility includes custom reporting in the form of ready-made reports for Accounts Payable, Inventory, Equipment, and more. It also contains a Report Builder tools that enable a user to create custom reporting on the fly.

Visibility’s data warehouse is built off a robust SQL Server database back end which resides on a RAID-10 data array built for fault tolerance and redundancy. Raw data sets from the client’s various data sources are stored on the array in secure, client-specific directories. Directories are set up based on month, year, data types, and data sources so that Visibility can organize a client data set in a hierarchical manner. Aggregated data is also separated in the Visibility database to avoid cross-contamination of the customer data stores.